I just talked to a friend that worked extensively for a senator a few years ago. If you want to feel like you are doing something regarding the worst of the cabinet appointments….. She said to call your senator’s office directly. When staff answers the phone, you should say the following:
“My name is Mr. or Mrs. (Name on your registration or drivers license). I am a constituent and I live in the (zip code number) zip code. I’m calling to ask Sen. Cornyn to oppose the appointments of Matt Gaetz and (whoever else you want to list, but concentrating on the worst noms would be best). I would like to thank you for your time and “all you do” for (your state) and our country.” Keep it short and to the point.
She said to make sure to say Mrs. if you are a female even if you aren’t.
The staff has to document your call and the reason for it. This will work in any state, just sub your senator’s name.